Effective Ways: How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs from Your Home
Knowing how to get rid of stink bugs is important because they are famous for their foul smell and can be annoying if they take over your area.
This is why we will explore what stink bugs are, what attracts them to your home, and, most importantly, effective methods to get rid of them.
Keep reading this article!
What Is a Stink Bug?

Stink bugs are bugs that have a shield-like shape and are part of the Pentatomidae family. They are usually in the form of brown marmorated stink bugs or gray-colored and release a strong smell when they’re scared or squashed.
Although these bugs don’t make people sick, having lots of them around can be annoying because of the bad smell. Also, they can harm plants we grow for food or decoration, which is something we call stink bug infestation.
What Attracts Stink Bugs?

Stink bugs tend to like warmth, light, and safe places. When it’s getting colder in the fall, they want to stay warm, so they might come into houses to escape the chilly weather outside.
They like lights, so they might come inside more during the night. Once they’re inside, they can hide in cracks, attics, and walls, which makes it hard to get rid of them. Using stink bug traps can help catch them.
How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs
Stink bugs are an annoying and smelly presence in many homes. Getting rid of them can be a difficult task, but there are some steps how to get rid of stink bugs or eliminate their presence.
Drench them with detergent

A simple and effective method to control stink bugs is drenching them with water and dish detergent. Create a solution by mixing water with a mild detergent and pouring it into a spray bottle.
When you spot stink bugs, spray them directly with the solution. The soap will break down their waxy outer layer, causing them to dehydrate and eventually die.
Concoct a nicotine solution

You can use nicotine, which is in tobacco things, to make a mixture that keeps away and gets rid of stink bugs. Put tobacco leaves or some cigarettes in water for the night to make water with nicotine in it. Then, filter the water and weaken it by adding more water before putting it into a spray bottle.
Spray this mixture around windows, doors, and where stink bugs might come in. This will help stop them from coming into your home, and they won’t like the foul odor of the mixture.
Suck stink bugs up with a vacuum

Vacuuming stink bugs is a good way to get rid of them from your home. Use a vacuum cleaner with a long tube to do this. When you see stink bugs, carefully suck them up with the vacuum.
Afterward, immediately remove the bag or what’s inside the vacuum. Make sure to empty the vacuum outside so the bad smell doesn’t go inside your home.
Hang an electric bug zapper

Electric bug zappers are like assassin bugs for flying insects – they draw them in and then zap them, which is very helpful for removing stink bugs inside your home.
Put the bug zapper close to windows or spots where you usually find more stink bugs. The light from the zapper will lure them in, and when they touch it, they’ll get a shock that takes them out. This is a great way to remove stink bugs effectively.
Frequently Asked Questions
What scent kills stink bugs?
Stink bugs don’t like some smells, like garlic, mint, and citrus. You can make your own sprays using oils with these smells, or you can also use soapy water. Spray these around your home to keep stink bugs away.
Are stink bugs harmful?
Brown marmorated stink bug doesn’t hurt people, but it can hurt plants we grow for food and plants. The things to worry about most when there are many of these stink bugs around are their lousy smell and how they can harm plants.
Will stink bugs hurt me?
Stink bugs are calm bugs that don’t try to hurt or sting people. The big problem with them is the foul smell they make and how they bother you by coming into your home. You don’t need to worry about stink bugs biting you. To prevent stink bugs there are things you can do to stop them from coming inside.
Dealing with stink bugs in your home can be a frustrating experience, but there are effective ways how to get rid of stink bugs and prevent their return.
By using the techniques mentioned above, you can successfully control stink bug populations. Remember to focus on preventative measures, such as sealing entry points and using scents that repel stink bugs, to keep these unwanted visitors out of your home.
Do you have a problem with bed bugs too? Reading our articles about how to get rid of bed bugs will surely help you.