How To Clean TV Screen: A Step-by-Step Guide

How To Clean TV Screen
How To Clean TV Screen

How To Clean TV Screen: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever sat down to watch your favorite show or movie only to find that your TV screen is covered in dust, fingerprints, and smudges? It’s frustrating, right? Not only can a dirty TV screen be distracting, but it can also affect the picture quality. That’s why it’s important to know how to clean your TV screen properly.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about cleaning your TV screens to be crystal clear, both modern TVs’ flat screens and older TVs’ CRT screens, so they look crystal clear again. Say goodbye to distractions and hello to a better viewing experience!

How To Clean Flat Screen TVs

A flat-screen TV is a TV set with a thin display screen instead of older TVs’ bulky, curved screens. They use LCD, LED, or OLED technology to provide high-quality pictures and sound.

This kind of screen needs a gentler cleaning treatment to avoid being scratched or damaged. Here are the cleaning steps to get you started!

Read the owner’s manual

A woman reading a manual book
A woman reading a manual book

First thing first, always read the manual provided by your TV manufacturer. Different models of flat-screen TVs may have different requirements for cleaning, and the manufacturer will provide the best guidance for keeping your TV in good condition.

In the manual, there’ll be specific instructions on how to clean your TV screen edition without causing any damage. It may also list cleaning solutions that are safe to use and solutions that should be avoided.

Turn the TV off and unplug

Power cord
Power cord

Next, turn off your TV and unplug it. This important safety precaution will prevent any damage to the TV or harm to you while cleaning.

Once the TV is turned off and unplugged, you can work on cleaning the screen without any risk of electric shock or interference from the power source.

It’s also a good idea to wait a few minutes after turning off the TV before cleaning, as this will allow the screen to cool down and eventually reduce the risk of damage from the cleaning solution.

Remove smudges

A woman cleaning TV smudges
A woman cleaning TV smudges

Smudges can be caused by fingerprints or other residues that accumulate on the screen’s surface over time. It’s best to use a soft, lint-free microfiber cloth to remove these smudges.

Gently wipe the cloth over the screen’s surface in a circular motion, being careful not to apply too much pressure or scrub too vigorously, as this can damage the screen or cause scratches.

However, it’s important to avoid using regular tap water or harsh cleaning solutions to avoid damaging the screen or leaving streaks behind.

Deal with stubborn spots

A young couple cleaning a flat TV screen
A young couple cleaning a flat TV screen

If stubborn smudges don’t come off with just a dry cloth, you can slightly dampen the cloth with some distilled water or a cleaning solution specifically designed for electronics.

You can either purchase a cleaning solution specifically designed for electronics or make your own solution by mixing distilled water with vinegar or isopropyl alcohol.

Remember the vents

TV vents
TV vents

Your TV vents should never be overlooked. The vents are located on the back or sides of the TV and allow for proper ventilation of heat generated by the TV.

Over time, these vents can become clogged with dust and debris, which can cause the TV to overheat and lead to damage.

To clean the vents, gently remove any dust or debris by using a soft brush or a can of compressed air. Do not use water or a cleaning solution to clean the vents, as this can damage the TV.

Keeping the vents clean will help your flat-screen TV run more efficiently and extend its lifespan.

Spritz the ports (but not with liquid)

TV ports
TV ports

As the final touch, spritz the ports without getting any liquid into them. This is important because if liquids get inside the ports, they can cause damage and potentially ruin the TV.

Instead, a cleaning spray can be used to remove any dust or debris from the ports gently.

To do this, first, turn off and unplug the TV. Then, use a can of compressed air to blow out any loose debris from the ports. Finally, spritz a small amount of cleaning spray onto a microfiber cloth and slowly wipe the ports clean.

How To Clean Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TV Screens

CRT TVs, or tube TVs, are older versions of a TV screen. Unlike flat-screen TVs, CRTs have a glass screen that can easily collect dust, smudges, and other debris. However, cleaning a CRT screen is not as straightforward as wiping it down with any old cleaning product.

To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks for cleaning CRT TV screens safely and effectively.

Unplug the TV

Unplugged power cord
Unplugged power cord

Before you begin cleaning your television, it’s important to unplug it. This is because CRT TVs are powered by electricity, and touching the screen while it’s plugged in can result in an electrical shock or other mishaps.

Unplugging the TV also ensures you have a clear view of the screen and can more easily identify any areas needing cleaning.

Additionally, turning off the television screen helps you fully assess it for issues like lint and grime.


Dusting a flat screen TV
Dusting a flat screen TV

Dust can accumulate on the screen over time and can cause the image on the screen to appear blurry or unclear. You can use a soft or microfiber cloth to remove any loose dust from the screen.

Be sure to use gentle, circular motions to remove the dust, and avoid pressing too hard on the screen as this could damage it.

It’s important to remove the dust before moving on to other cleaning steps because dust particles can scratch the screen if rubbed against it during later cleaning steps.

Wipe down the screen

Wiping a TV screen
Wiping a TV screen

After removing any loose dust or debris, the next step is to wipe down the screen. To do this, you can use a soft cloth or a microfiber cleaning cloth that has been slightly dampened with water.

Be sure to only use a minimal amount of water and avoid spraying any liquid directly onto the screen, as this can cause damage to the electronics inside the television.

Begin wiping the screen gently in circular motions while being careful not to apply too much pressure or scrub the screen too vigorously.

If there are stubborn stains or marks on the screen, you can use a mild cleaning solution designed for use on TV screens.

However, it’s best to first test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous screen area to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage.

Air-dry completely

A CRT TV screen
A CRT TV screen

Finally, ensure your TV screen dries completely by air-drying it before using it again. This means leaving the TV unplugged and turned off for at least 15-20 minutes to allow any remaining moisture to evaporate from the screen’s surface.

It’s crucial to let the screen dry completely before turning the TV back on because any residual moisture can cause damage to the sensitive electronics inside the television.

Additionally, a moist screen can attract more dust and debris, accumulating faster than usual.

So, be patient and wait for the screen to air-dry completely before reusing your CRT TV.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you use TV screen cleaners?

Yes, it is generally recommended to use TV screen cleaners specifically designed for cleaning television screens. However, following the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines is crucial when selecting and using a TV screen cleaner.

Can I use Windex on a flat-screen TV?

No, using Windex or any other household glass cleaner on a flat-screen TV is not recommended. These cleaners contain chemicals that can potentially damage the screen’s surface or coatings.

Can I use glasses cleaner on my TV?

Using glasses cleaner on your TV is not recommended. While glasses cleaner may be suitable for cleaning eyewear, it is not specifically formulated for cleaning television screens.


In conclusion, keeping your TV screen clean is important to maintaining longevity and ensuring you always have a clear picture. It doesn’t have to be daunting; just follow these simple steps to clean a TV screen and say goodbye to smudges and dust on your screen.

Remember to use gentle cleaning solutions and microfiber cloths, and never spray liquid directly onto the screen. With a little effort and care, you can enjoy your fave movies and TV shows to the fullest on a crystal-clear screen in the comfort of your home. So grab your cleaning supplies and start giving your TV screen the TLC it deserves!
