How to Fold A Sheet: Step-by-Steps Guide

How to Fold A Sheet
How to Fold A Sheet

How to Fold A Sheet: Step-by-Steps Guide

Have you ever opened your linen closet only to be greeted by a chaotic jumble of sheets and pillowcases? If you’ve ever spent what feels like hours trying to fold a fitted sheet into something resembling a neat rectangle, you’re not alone. But fear not, because help is at hand!

No more wrestling with unruly bedding or wasting time searching for the matching pillowcase. With our step-by-step guide on how to fold a sheet, you’ll be a sheet-folding ninja, impressing your friends and family with your newfound domestic prowess.

So, grab your most troublesome set of sheets, and let’s get folding!

Folding Fitted Sheets

Lay The Fitted Sheet Out

A mattress
A mattress

The first step in folding a fitted sheet is to lay it out properly. Start by shaking out the sheet to remove any wrinkles or folds. Then, place it on a flat surface like a bed or a table with the elasticated corners facing upwards, resembling a bowl shape. This will expose the seams at each corner, which are crucial for folding.

By laying out the sheet in this manner, you can clearly see its shape and structure, setting the foundation for the rest of the folding process.

Pick Up Corners

The corner of a mattress
The corner of a mattress

After laying out the fitted sheet with the elastic corners facing upwards, the next step is to pick up the corners. Start by standing at one end of the sheet. Then, pick up two adjacent corners with your hands, ensuring you’re holding the inside of the corners. This enables you to control the shape and structure of the sheet as you proceed with the folding process.

Once you have a firm grip on the two corners, bring them together, effectively folding the sheet in half. Repeat this process with the remaining two corners on the other side. This step helps reduce the fitted sheet’s bulkiness and makes it easier to handle.

Fold Into a Long Rectangle

Folded clean beddings
Folded clean beddings

The next step is to transform it into a long rectangle. Once you have a firm grip on the two corners, bring them together, effectively folding the sheet in half and forming a long rectangle. This step might involve tucking elastic edges in to ensure that the sheet forms a tidy and even rectangle.

The aim is to create a uniform shape that will make the subsequent folds easier and more precise. This step brings us closer to a neatly folded fitted sheet, reducing its volume and making it more manageable.

Fold in Thirds

Folded white bed linen
Folded white bed linen

After transforming the sheet into a long rectangle, start from one short end and fold it over by a third. Then, take the other end and fold it over the already folded section, effectively dividing the sheet into three equal parts.

The result should be a compact rectangle or square, depending on the size of your sheet. This final fold makes the sheet easy to store and keeps it wrinkle-free until the next use.

Additional Tips for Folding Fitted Sheets

For a smoother, more efficient experience with folding your fitted sheets, here are some additional tips to keep in mind other than the how to fold a sheet guide:

Fold After Washing

Folding clean clothes
Folding clean clothes

Once your fitted sheet is clean and dry, don’t let it sit crumpled in the laundry basket or hang for too long. Instead, fold it immediately. This practice helps prevent wrinkles and creases from setting in, making the folding process easier and resulting in a neater, more compact end product.

Plus, immediate folding can save you the time and energy of having to iron your sheets later.

Find a Flat Surface

A top view of a bed
A top view of a bed

A flat, clean surface, such as a bed or a large table, provides the perfect space to spread out your sheet, making it easier to handle and fold. It allows you to smooth out any wrinkles and align the corners accurately, which is especially helpful with the elastic edges of fitted sheets.

A flat surface can significantly simplify the process and result in a neatly folded sheet ready for storage.

Use the Buddy System

Two young beautiful women in bed
Two young beautiful women in bed

The “Buddy System” method in how to fold a sheet involves two people working together to fold the sheet. Each person takes two corners of the sheet, working to align the corners and edges, smoothing out any wrinkles as they go.

This process can make the task quicker and result in a neater fold. It’s particularly beneficial when dealing with king or queen-sized sheets.

Place Sheets in a Basket

Arranging clothes in a basket
Arranging clothes in a basket

Placing your folded fitted sheets in a basket or bin can help maintain their shape and keep them tidy until their next use. This system also aids in organization, allowing you to group your linens by size, color, or type.

Plus, a basket protects your sheets from dust, ensuring they’re clean and ready to use when needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are fitted sheets so hard to fold?

Fitted sheet folding is hard because their elasticated corners make it difficult to create neat, flat folds like you can with flat sheets.

Why do hotels make the sheets so tight?

Hotels make the sheets so tight to provide a neat, clean appearance and ensure a comfortable, wrinkle-free sleeping surface for their guests.

Why do people not use fitted sheets?

Some people choose not to use fitted sheets due to the difficulty of folding them neatly for storage and their tendency to come loose if not properly secured on the mattress.


Mastering the art of folding a fitted sheet for your bedroom, from linen sheets to cotton sheets, may seem like a daunting task. But with the step-by-step “How to fold a sheet” guide we’ve shared, it’s clear that anyone can transform this household chore into an achievement to be proud of.

Remember, practice makes perfect. So, don’t fret if your first few attempts don’t result in a perfectly folded sheet. Keep at it, and soon, you’ll be folding sheets with the ease and precision of a professional hotel housekeeper. Who knows, you might even find the process therapeutic and satisfying! Happy folding!


  • Lisa Fitzgerald

    Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, Lisa spent her days writing for a local newspaper in the early parts of her career. That writing aptitude came in handy when your house garden expanded from just fashion to home luxury. Lisa and her wife have too many dogs to count, and when she isn’t at work, Lisa continues her musical ambitions as she masters the piano and bass.